Florida Atlantic University
Spring 2024
Markus Schmidmeier

Linear Algebra II

Welcome to Linear Algebra II !

You are registered for MAS 4107, CRN: 12196 (3 credits). We meet Mondays and Wednesdays, 4:00 - 5:20 p.m. in Physical Sciences 112.

Linear algebra is the branch of mathematics which has developed from a theoretical study of the problem of solving systems of linear equations. This problem is one of the oldest in mathematics and is still of fundamental importance in other areas in mathematics and for applications to science and engineering.
The abstract approach in linear algebra and the rich variety of concepts arising from vector spaces relate to --- and help understand --- topics and results in modern pure mathematics.
Of course, linear algebra is essential in applications as well; its methods apply to calculus, differential equations, coding and cryptography. Linear algebra techniques, in particular visualization, play an important role in modern physics, engineering, computer animation and the social sciences (particularly economics).


None in particular, but mathematical maturity (proof writing) is expected.

Textbook and Topics

We will use the book by Sheldon Axler, Linear Algebra Done Right, fourth edition, Springer Nature, ISBN 978-3031410253.

We are going to cover the following chapters:



The Math Learning Center (MLC) provides free academic support.

Video Recordings by Textbook Author

Professor Axler has recorded a series of videos of his lectures. The videos are available on YouTube. Here is the link:
Video recordings

Homework:  I will assign homework problems every week. The problems will not be graded, but some may show up on a quiz. Please bookmark the link:
Homework Problems.

Quizzes:  We will have a quiz every Wednesday; the best eleven quizzes count for 50 % of the grade.

Presentation:  One presentation during class will count for 10 % of the grade. The last day for the presentation is April 8. Unless there are volunteers, I will assign presentations for the next class meeting (at random among all registered students who have not given a talk yet).

Final Exam: The final exam is comprehensive and will count for 40 % of your grade. It is scheduled for Monday, April 29, 4:00 - 6:30pm in our classroom. Please bring a picture id (Owl card or drivers licence)!

Further Information

For the Disability Policy, the Make-Up Policy, the Code of Academic Integrity, Religious Accommodation, my Grading Scale, the FAU Attendance Policy Statement, Financial Assistance Opportunities and the FAU Covid Statement please visit Infos for all my courses.

Contact Me

Office hours:  MW 10:00 - 11:20 a.m. in SE 272.

Phone:  561-297-0275

E-mail:  mschmidm@fau.edu.

Web Site:  cescos.fau.edu/markus

Last modified:  by Markus Schmidmeier