Florida Atlantic University
Fall 2024
Markus Schmidmeier

Modern Algebra

Welcome to Modern Algebra! We meet MWF 1:00 - 1:50 p.m. in Sanson Life Science 178.

Why Abstract Algebra?

As scientists, when we capture facts, we never try to reproduce them in full, but only that side which is important or relevant in a particular context. This process of selecting what is relevant is the very essence of abstraction.

We therefore will not study, say, the integers as one subject, the complex numbers as another, and matrices as a third subject. Rather, particular aspects will be isolated, put in axiomatic form, and studied without reference to any specific objects. The other side is that each aspect is shared by many traditional systems.

One of the most basic and ubiquitous structures in mathematics is the concept of groups, of which we will study both theoretical aspects and many applications: As you know, the integers form a group, but also the functions on the real line, the letters in a code word, the symmetries in a wallpaper pattern...

Textbook and topics

Charles C. Pinter, A book of abstract algebra, 2nd edition, Dover, ISBN-13: 978-0-486-47417-5. I plan to cover in particular the following sections.

Groups 2: Operations; 3: Definition of groups; 4: Elementary properties;
Subgroups 5: Cayley diagrams, introduction to coding theory
Examples 6: Functions, 7: permutations, 8: dihedral groups
Symmetry Some examples of symmetry groups, say of three-dimensional objects or from music theory
Comparing groups & New groups 9: Isomorphisms, 12: Cosets, 13: Lagrange's Theorem, 14: Homomorphimsm (as time permits)

Course Objectives


Discrete Mathematics with a minimum grade of C.


The Math Learning Center in GS 211 offers in-person tutoring M-R 10-5 and F 10-4. Also, small group tutoring is available. For details please visit MLC or e-mail mlc@sci.fau.edu.
For online tutoring via zoom, please see ONLINE for available days and times.


Further Information

For the Disability Policy, the Make-Up Policy, the Code of Academic Integrity, Religious Accommodation, my Grading Scale, the FAU Attendance Policy Statement, Financial Assistance Opportunities and the FAU Covid Statement please visit Infos for all my courses.

Contact Me

Last modified:  by Markus Schmidmeier