Florida Atlantic University
Spring 2020
Markus Schmidmeier

Introductory Number Theory

Welcome to Number Theory! This course is Introductory Number Theory, MAS 3203, we meet Wednesdays and Fridays, 11:00 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. in General Classroom South 102.

Aim of this course is to provide a gentle introduction to upper division mathematics. Topic is a very active area in modern mathematics with spectacular applications.

Starting March 16, FAU is transitioning temporarily to Remote Instruction. For our course this means:
  • Classes take place at the usual time as Skype conference calls.
  • Quizzes are replaced by homeworks, please submit your solutions as pdf-files via e-mail.
  • I'll be available during office hours via Skype.
  • In case I cannot update this webpage, I will send information regarding homework and final exams via e-mail.


Gareth A. Jones and J. Mary Jones, Elementary Number Theory, Springer (1998), ISBN 3-540-76197-7.




Homework:   Every week there will be

homework assignments.

I will not grade the homeworks, but some problems may come up on the quiz.

Quizzes:  Every Friday we will have a quiz of about 20 minutes, about the material covered in class and the homework assignments. The 11 best quizzes count for 50% of the grade.

Presentation:   For a presentation of at most 10 minutes, please pick a problem from our textbook which is related to a topic covered in class. The last day for the presentation is April 10. The presentation will count for 10% of the grade.

Final Exam:   The final exam on Wednesday, May 6, 10:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. is comprehensive.  It will count for  40% of the grade. The first part consists of solutions to three new problems from our textbook of your choice (although one problem may be a previous homework problem, and another problem may be, say, a newspaper problem about numbers). The solutions need to be submitted by Friday, April 24 (Wednesday, April 29 at the latest). The second part is a presentation on Skype during the time of the final exam.

Math Learning Center

There is free math tutoring at the Math Learning Center. Drop-in tutoring is M-R 10-5, F 10-4, U 1-5 in GS207, and M-R 5-9 in Glades Tower Park GPT102 and the Parliament Library.

Further Information

For the Disability Policy, the Make-Up Policy, the Code of Academic Integrity, Religious Accommodation, my Grading Scale and Financial Assistance Opportunities please visit Infos for all my courses.

Contact Me

Office hours:  W 2-4 and F 2-3 in SE 272, after class if possible, or by appointment.

E-mail:   markus@math.fau.edu

Telephone:   561-297-0275

Last modified:  by Markus Schmidmeier